In TS Sequence Analyzer Results Window:
it would be helpful to be able to have a column of RuleID in the results table. This way when we are debugging/ troubleshooting results of custom rules that it would be much easier to track down to the specific RuleID that is being used (names/categories/descriptions can all be duplicated)
Right now RuleID is not available as one of the columns of the results table -- add it as an option.
I do NOT think it should be visible by default, but we should be able to show it optionally if we want.
Also, if you select an analysis message from the results, you can right click on it and choose "Goto Rule"
Now at this point you are in the list of rules, but if you want to go track down what RuleID caused the problem, you are dead in the water -- you need to look at the rule name and description and then manually go to the rule configuration page and search through the list to find the right one. It would be so much nicer if you could right click on the rule in the analyzer project and be able to open the "Configure available rules" window.