NI TestStand Idea Exchange

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 The Separate or Shared file global selection setting is not obvious on the user interface in TestStand. This is a very important setting that must be located in the "Edit/Sequence file properties" menu:


Sequence File Globals.JPG


Maybe this selection should also be available directly in the "variables" tab:

Variables tab.JPG

When you use an edit step to modifiy the values contained in your step inputs/outputs, the fields are not updated with the new values. You have to close the step tree branch and reopen it to see the updated values. A good idea would be to refresh the step section after the execution of an edit step !

Update step val after Edit Step

It is not possible to perfrom manual selection (for example, between different products to be Tested by the sequence file) in TestStand by using the Message Popup.


It would be great if a TestStand Message popup had pull down list or radio buttons or etc. to provide manual selection from a list.

pull down list and the picture paths could be populated from a 2D array, something similar like this LabVIEW VI:





The reason why I requested this feature is that I am developing a Test solution, where we have to

manually select the product to be tested. My test solution will be used by lots of Test Engineers in the future.


I know that this feature can be realized with a LabVIEW VI easily, but this case, I have no control on the arrangement, layout and stile of this dialog box in the future. In LabVIEW, the pull dow list, buttons and picture can be put everywhere


TestStand would provide a standard arrangement for this dialog.




Currently, a column can be resized so that it appears the column has disappeared altogether. It would be preferable if there was a way to indicate that a column has been resized so that users know that they can expand the column if they want to see that parameter. 


For example, normal-sized columns: 



What currently happens when the Type column is minimized:

resized column.png


Product Suggestion so that user knows that Type still exists.

resized column.png

When putting values into an array of number local variable, there is little documentation specifying the correct way to input values in an array. The documentation needs to be improve and/or the error message that pops when evaluating your statement should be fixed to better demonstrate the problem. The current error states "Variable or property types do not match or are not compatible. This value will cause a run-time error." A getting started documentation that addresses variable syntax would also be helpful, these ideas will improve ease of use for people working in TestStand. The typical syntax when working with arrays is the use of a bracket [] and the error that appears when using a bracket for arrays is even less helpful. Attached is an image of an example of the fixed error that would demonstrate this problem more thoroughly (The red highlighted section would be a potential change to the errors).





Could we add a feature to allow the example programs that ship with TestStand 2012 to open up in Windows Explorer directly after clicking an separate option from the help menu?  Currently a help article comes up with a list of the example programs.  Upon clicking a link on one of the example programs the path to the example relative to the <TestStand Public> folder is revealed.  I think it would be easier from a usability stand point to add the ability to open the examples folder for review straight from the menu. 


NI TestStand Examples.png


Example Programs.png




Shawn S.

Running batch model sequences it would be nice to be able to "Step Into", "Step Over" or "Step Out" for all testsockets with one click instead click instead the need to click on each testsocket before stepping into/over/out.

When developing code for the customization of the User (Operator) Interface, I would like the capability to provide my own custom dialog box for “Loop on Selected Steps” by overriding the standard dialog box that TestStand provides. TestStand provides this standard dialog box when the command kind “Loop On Selected Steps Using” is executed.


The problem in our production environment often is our production technicians are required to (manually) perform interactively with a series of sequence steps and repeat those steps 29 times (Our strict regulatory guidelines). Most of our technicians are technologically challenged in our production environment. In our environment, I have developed the TestStand User Interface to where the TestStand Execution and Sequence Views are hidden to production operators but visible to the developers (engineers) and administrators for trouble shooting capability.


If a custom dialog box cannot be done, at least provide the capability to where I can programmability change the properties of the “Loop On Selected Steps”. At least allow the dialog box to be programmability set to where I can set the number of loops, set the stop condition, stop expression, enable/disable the controls or hide the dialog box without the operator needing to manually entering those values into the dialog box.

Even though we already have an About box for TestStand, it would also be nice to have one for the active TestSequence file as well. The Help menu would have a new item called "About MySequenceFile ...".


MySequenceFile About box splash screen:



The information in this screen should be loaded directly from a single FileGlobal string whenever a sequence file is made active. This can probably be done already by those that know how, but it should be already part of TestStand by default.




Everyone should be familiar with the Sequences pane. In it, we get fancy icons for certain callbacks, but I'd also like each sequence reveal more information about the sequence's settings, and my first thought was to use helpful overlays for the icon. If you take a peek in the Sequence Properties dialog, you'll see there's three different tickboxes there that (can) radically change how a sequence executes. Unfortunately, I don't have any awesome ideas on how these could be presented (especially all at once) - it'd be pretty tough to fit all that discernably into a 16x16 icon. Both Comments and Requirements are visualized clearly, but I would just as soon trade the Comment column for a way to display these settings.



















 I'd be even more thrilled if the SequenceCall step type could also find some visual way to display this information, but I guess we should probably take this a step at a time 😉

Create option to print selected components (Script, variables, Step Settings etc) this would be useful on several levels, it would make tracing thru long scripts easier, would provide a quick means of providing feedback on errors and other situations which lend themselves to having more than a single screen of information available concurrently.

The idea here is to have a widow that you can execute expressions while at a breakpoint or paused.   I would also like to be able to execute the expression while not running the sequence.  Many times I am not sure how will be returned by an API expression and it would be nice just to execute it.  I know that not all expressions can be executed outside running the sequence, but many can.  This would be a nice feature so you can test expressions without running the whole sequence.


TESTSTAND is capable of interfacing so many devices & instrument to a UUT.


Incase of ATE(Automatic test equipment), where lot of resources are made available to test the UUT, not all the resources or instruments will be used through out the test for a particular UNIT. Hence there should be facility to select the resources required for particular test, which will be then only initialized & used.


For example a simple power device requires only POWER SUPPLY, LOAD & DMM. Where as a data acquisition system requires POWER SUPPLY, DIO & AIO cards & so on.


Thus one should only select the resources required for test & hence no need to have init function separately for each sequence. This may sound a bit complicated but It really helps for LARGE ATEs, where optimization is KEY. Same thing can be implemented for TERMINATING resources once test is done.