02-02-2025 11:56 AM
Ok I think now it worked but sadly I am not sure how, the provided isntrucitons might seem clear, but as the command gives no discenrable output one cannot be sure if it ran or not, and it does not seem to work when running it when in the actual directory in command prompt.
I have attached the error documents in WinINstMSI.
I am not able to install lab view now, nor uninstall any software through the NI package manager. even if I deselct the SSP Notifier from the uninstall procedure it still gives me an error citing the SSP Notifier itself.
I just want to also want leave her a heavy note of dissatisfaction with lab view and national instruments about this. My original installation of 2025 LabVIEW Blue screened my computer and now I have spent hours troubleshooting this process after first fixing the briking of my laptop. This is unacceptable, not even the open source hardware design software I use have given me as much trouble as lab view.
02-02-2025 11:12 PM
Based on the order of the file dates, it looks like all of the following was successful:
Can you clarify what is the error that you are seeing still, is it the NI-SSP upgrade that is still failing as mentioned in your original post?
If yes, can you share any of the files under %localappdata%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\Logs\ listed below that are created as a result of the installation operation that fails?
02-03-2025 03:13 AM
Im trying to install lab view 2022 Q3
If attempt to install it or uninstall everything (as I was advised to make a clean install) I obtain the following error, no matter what file I try to uninstall.
An error occurred while removing a package: ni-ssp-notifier (
Additional error information:
• An error occurred while creating a process to run command '"C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\SSP Notifier\SSP Notifier.exe" -RemoveTask'.