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Copy disk using the command "dd"



I have a new question following the last one I asked.


Because the installation take time and it is possible to make an error, I wanted to find a solution to copy an image from an sbRIO with PostgreSQL already installed to a new one.


I tried using the command "dd", but we the sbRIO is using virtual memory instead of disk like Linux computer if I can say. With that in mind, I have multiple mtdblock (0 to 😎 and each one containing information. 


First, I can use the command for the blocks 0 to 5, but the terminal tell me that the bock 6-8 are busy when I try to copy them.


Secondly, when I copy the images (0-5) previously saved on a USB stick to the RT target and I reboot the system, the system fail and I have to restart it in safemode.


Maybe it isn't the "right" way to do what I want to do.


I was wondering what I was doing wrong and if there was a guide or a tutorial somewhere that I can follow. 


Thank you

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