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Welcome to EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support

Hi John,

I think that error shows up when you are missing one of the RC/RCH files in your LabVIEW directory for the EtherNet/IP session. I would try doing a repair install of the EtherNet/IP driver and verify that the version of LabVIEW support you are trying to use is selected. In general those files should be installed along-side the LLB files, so it seems odd that you'd have one and not the other unless you have the EtherNet/IP VIs moved/copied to a different location.

I will also point out that this driver is no longer supported on NI Labs. It is now supported as the following product: . I would suggest moving your code to this new version as it is fully supported by NI and doesn't have the same restrictive licensing terms for commercial usage that the NI Labs one had.


0 Kudos
Message 81 of 125


Thanks for the quick reply.  This is a fresh install of the driver but there are no RC/RCH files to be found.  It looks like I'll have to reinstall LV2010 to make this work.  Getting $500 for an upgrade won't happen anytime soon.


0 Kudos
Message 82 of 125


Although I have experience in industrial communications, such as Modbus/TCP, I'm new to Ethernet/IP.  I purchased the Ethernet/IP driver and I'm trying to connect to a Cognex DataMan 800 and I get the error code -251723760 with this possible reason: Ethernet/IP Industrial Protocol: (Hex 0xF0FF0010) CIP Error - Extended status may be available.

I've contacted NI technical support and they said one or more of my input parameters was the issue.  I may not be understanding what exactly that they are supposed to be since, according to the Cognex documentation, those were the correct parameters.

Has someone tried connecting to a Cognex product or can someone point me in the right direction?

Thank you,


Ron Deavers, CLD
0 Kudos
Message 83 of 125

I am trying to use LabView with the Ethernet/IP VI's to communicate with a Keyence NU-EP1 attached with a Keyence LV-N10.  Nothing I seem to be doing is working at all.  I was wondering if you could give some pointers on where to start.  I have set an IP address for the device, but I'm unable to get a response to show up through LabView.

Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 84 of 125


Does this work with a GE Fanuc PLC or just several PLC like Allens Bradley?

are there driver component we must install ?

We use LV11 32-bit Windows. and use system PXI controller



0 Kudos
Message 85 of 125

i am very happy to see this topic,i want to learn more about Ethernet/ip,bu ican find some example,thanks

0 Kudos
Message 86 of 125

Hi yangbear112,

Thanks for joining the NI Community!

This thread was specific to an NI Labs prerelease version of the NI LabVIEW Driver for Ethernet/IP which is now officially released and incorporated into the latest versions of LabVIEW. For examples, tutorials, and troubleshooting ideas there is an Ethernet/IP Support Page that includes subsections on all of those topics and may be quite helpful. Otherwise, if you have specific questions or problems, you can direct them to the Industrial Communications board on our discussion forums.

You should be able to find the most helpful and up-to-date information on the LabVIEW Driver for Ethernet/IP in those locations.



NI Community Team
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 87 of 125

Hi Eric,

I am using the EIP  Industrial communication tool Kit to communicate with the ControlLogix 5573 PLC. I am able to communicte using the I/O Data Get/Set Assembly VI.

I have multiple IP addresses to choose from.  How can i get my Get Assembly or Set Assembly VI to communicate using a desired IP address with PLC.

Please help.



0 Kudos
Message 88 of 125

HI Eric,

Does the VI's of the EIP tool kit allow for EDS creation/assignment  or do they have a default EDS file assoicated with them ??


0 Kudos
Message 89 of 125

I originally posted this in the Industrial Communications forum with the title:

-251723760 CIP Error when trying to read and array of sgl from and AB ControlLogix PLC

...but am reposting it here in case it gets a quicker response:

I have the NI Ethernet/IP module to communicate with an Allen-Bradley ControlLogix PLC. I am doing both reading (only 13 values) and writing (over 200 values). I am using the basic ethernetip tag to  do the writing. These program are in an executable running on a 'run-time' machine. I have the list of tagnames I am reading and writing to and have confirmed with the person who created the AB load that the array I am writing to on the AB side has more than enough addresses (it is an array of length 300). However I am only able to write 118 values to it. When trying to write 119 or more I get the error:

-251723760 CIP error - extended status may be available

I have confirmed with NI OPC Servers with an OPC quick client (running on my development PC) connected to the AB ControlLogix that the values I am writing to up to element 118 are getting through correctly, i.e. if I write 123.456 to sample_array[13] then I in fact see this same value at that location in the OPC quick client.

To be honest I am a little disappointed that the error message is so cryptic and gives no hints as to what troubleshooting paths are possible. I have tried various combinations of group/tag names with and w/o offsets, e.g. [3], but nothing has led me any further.

0 Kudos
Message 90 of 125