03-21-2013 09:07 AM
I think there is a packet data limit of 500 bytes. (118 floats x 4 bytes/float = 472 bytes) Not sure why only 119 doesnt work but 200 is over the 500 byte limit.
06-04-2014 10:23 AM
I am deeply sorry if this question has been previously asked, but I am having a problem connecting a Keyence Ethernet/IP Device to LabVIEW using the Industrial Communications for Ethernet/IP. I have been trying to find answers on other sites all morning and have had no luck. I am just looking to read a single measurement for a digital sensor. Any help would be appreciated!
06-04-2014 11:56 AM
I imagine you would have to use the SLC500 Read and Write vis, not the Tag ones.
You have to know the File and Element to read.
06-04-2014 01:10 PM
Given the little picture, I do not see how the program knows the IP Address of the Ethernet/IP connection. Also, from looking in the LabVIEW help menu, it appears that this specific VI is used for PLC, of which I am not using.
06-04-2014 01:26 PM
The network path is a string which connects just above the Element.
After a quick Google search, it appears that it uses Tags, not the SLC500 vis as I had stated.
I don't know what the Tag names would be, but this video might help.
06-05-2014 08:12 AM
Thank you for your reply. The video was very informative. However, I think I stumbled upon the real problem. It appears that my Ethernet/IP Communication Unit is not connecting to the network. After reading the manual, it appears that I need an Ethernet/IP Scanner and use the .EDS file to configure my device. Does anyone know of a way of just using a PC to configure the DL-EP1?
Many Thanks