05-17-2011 03:08 PM
We are very interested in feedback on the NI FlexRIO Development Tools - how you are using the code library, features you'd like to see in the instrument driver, and requests for support of other adapter modules. We cannot guarantee that we will add these features, but your feedback will certainly be used in the definition of future hardware and software tools.
Also, if you have questions about the tools, please feel free to post them here as well.
Ryan Verret, NI FlexRIO Product Manager
David Klipec, Senior Software Engineer
06-29-2011 08:07 AM
First,thank you very much!
Can you explain more about flexrio tools?
the beginner is not easy to understand it.
06-29-2011 11:37 AM
Hi studylv90,
I'm glad you're interesting in using the NI FlexRIO Development Tools! "Explain more about the FlexRIO tools" is rather broad so I'm not sure where to begin, but I'm more than happy to answer any specific questions you have about the tools.
What is it that you are looking for with the NI FlexRIO Development Tools? What is the goal that you are trying to accomplish?
Are you intersted in using the NI FlexRIO Instrument Development Library, the NI 573x Example Instrument Driver, or both? I will be posting a video demonstrating them soon (hopefully by the end of next week) so look out for that.
If you can provide me more details about what you're doing I can better help you get going in the right direction. Thanks!
Barron Stone, NI FlexRIO Product Marketing Engineer
06-29-2011 11:17 PM
I can understand NI 573x Example about pri-triger ,post-triger and data flow .
data write to fifo and read from fifo wtih same rate .
But I do not understand how to carry out for pri-triger , post-triger and data flow.
in Acq Engine on Generic.lvproj . with mulit record .
Record Retrieval , there are much parameter, why to need?
I hope you can Explain more about data structure in the FlexRIO tools.
My goal is to capture 4 channel pluse wave (data frame or segment ) ,
every channel need triger by oneself.
using 5761 and pxie-7965r.
data first save to dram ,second transfers to host computer though DMA.
Thank you.
07-01-2011 02:18 PM
The NI 573x Example Instrument Driver builds on top of the NI FlexRIO instrument Development Library (FIDL). For example, if you look inside the NI 573x Configure Record VI from the NI 573x example instrument driver you'll see that it is really just calling in the FIDL's EngineConfigure VI. That is the host-side code which sends commands down to the FPGA to configure the acquisition engine which is built on the FIDL. If you look at the NI 573x acquisition engine code you can see where and how the values sent by the FIDL's EngineConfigure VI are used to control the number of pre and post trigger samples among other things.
The NI 573x acquisition engine code that comes with the example instrument driver is designed to look at a single channel on the adapter module for triggering, then it stores all of the channels together to DRAM. You'll notice that there is a separate loop for reading/writing DRAM because it runs at a slower "Memory Clock" rate. A FIFO is used to pass data between the triggering/acquisition loop and the DRAM/host-transfer loop because they use different clock domains.
For your applications you can use parts of the FIDL code in the acquisition loop to configure a trigger for each channel and then pass the acquire data for each channel to the DRAM/transfer loop via FIFOs. It's the same basic concept, but you'll need to expand it to trigger for four channels and deal with them individually... and of course modify it to work for the NI 5761 channels rather than the NI 573x
03-05-2012 06:11 AM
i am using 5761 & pxie 7965r. my input to 5761 is 10Mhz sine wave i want to read all sampled values in an array.
Thank you
03-05-2012 02:06 PM
Hi Aniket,
We're about to release a new version of the FlexRIO Instrument Development Library which will add Example Instrument Drivers for the NI 5761 and NI 5762, as well as highly requested features such as synchronization. If you're looking for NI FlexRIO Development Tools support, that would be your best bet. It seems, however, that your particular question, is more general, so I'd recommend posting it to the NI Discussion Forums, specifically in the LabVIEW FPGA board.
04-22-2012 03:15 AM
Hi Ryan,
I've downloaded the 5761 driver and tried to compile it as is. But It gave some timing errors in several paths. All of these paths are the clones of the counter with reset VI.
Is it something to do with the IO Module Clock 0? Because in the top-level FPGA VI, it says; "IO Module Clock 0 is not configured in the project by default." But I already have an IO Module Clock 0 configured in the project as I donwloaded it.
04-23-2012 01:38 PM
Which specific example and FPGA module are you compiling? PXIe-7965R? "Acq Engine on 5761.lvproj"?
04-24-2012 01:26 PM
That is right. PXIe-7965R and "Acq Engine on 5761.lvproj".