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NI-DAQmx for myDAQ on Mac OS X Discussion

Hey all,

I definitely understand it can be frustrating that myDAQ isn't working with your most updated OS. As the forum shows that several systems are reporting cases related to the OS update, it does seem that myDAQ DAQmx is not immediately compatible with the recent update.

Specifically speaking for DAQmx for myDAQ on OS X (not DAQmx Base), it is not an official release and not supported on Yosemite or El Capitan. The best way for us to measure impact is to reach out to your local NI sales engineer. They have an established method providing this feedback to R&D, and champion for their regional users.

In the meantime, let's see what we can do with that error. Error -200324 is a general error code to indicate that DAQmx cannot communicate with your device. What error description are you receiving? That may point us in a better direction.


Briana P.
Sr SW Engineering Manager | NI R&D
0 Kudos
Message 31 of 37

I would like to see NI take a more active role with regard to OSX. Sierra is now released, so that's 3 Major versions of the OS that is not supported.  That's a huge timespan, and to run a pre-Yosemite OS is just not good, too many other issues you can run into it.  If you goto any of the major universities or industries, Mac's dominate the desktops, definitely the students desktops, and definitely in STEM programs.  Sure people can and will use VM's to work around the issue, but we would love to see Macs embraced more.  At the very least I would like to see this project graduate from NI Labs to an actual product.

Message 32 of 37

I would like to second bfeeny's thoughts! I have been trying to push NI to take up a more reinforced commitment for OSX native LabVIEW related DAQ for many years by now. The answer has always been that there is not enough demand for this type of applications on the Mac. I always tried to convince the NI academic representatives that this is not the case, certainly not in academia where most of the students and yes it is still an increasing tendency, actually work with and own Apple computers.

Anyway, I think it's good if others express their needs and preferences in this domain to NI too. Because most of the companies would just operate in a reactive manner without taking any risks, sales demand is the strongest argument to gain attention. Ironically LabVIEW up till version 2 was an Apple Macintosh only application... and yes I don't think a virtualized environment is a viable option either.

Thank you for the support


Message 33 of 37

Seeing the same error (200324 - but device apears connected and passes self-tests) after fresh installs (LabView2016, ni-daq-mx) on a brandnew MBPro running 10.11.6.

@BriBear - I understand that it's not an official release, however when you do patch the driver, can you please post an updated link to this thread.


0 Kudos
Message 34 of 37

Hi NI, I am an EE student at Penn State. I know of about 150 other kids in my EE program who desparatley want to use their MyDAQs with OSX on their MacBooks. It is such a hassle dealing with virtual box and windows in general. If you guys made the Macintosh version actually up to date and reliable it would make LabVIEW sooooooooooo much more marketable in learning environments; because all the students have macbooks, no one uses stupid windows. I just can't understand why a software company would only offer limited support on one of the most popular operating systems out their.. you're just cutting off half of your market, its absurd. 

Message 35 of 37

NI-DAQmx for myDAQ on Mac OS X does not run under 10.11.6

Using the NI-DAQmx Test Panel it returns the error -200324

Looking at the console, it seems that the LabVIEW 2013 was used to build the Test Panel application. It also looks like it makes call to old deprecated Gestalt Carbon API which will never returns the correct value, thus it will never work unless the code is updated.


If I try to wire a similar VI in LV 2013 using DAQmx (not DAQmx bas), I got the same error. By looking into the diagram I can see that the call to "DAQmx Create AI Channel" returns the error, it calls the "nilvaiu.framework" via a CLN, more precisly it calls the "DAQCreateChannel140" function. From then on you need to deassemble the framework to get more info...


Thanks in advance for updating the drivers !


Here is my console dump:

17/01/17 17:05:58.749 NI-DAQmx Test Panels[8422]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.6 instead of 10.11.6. This is not a bug in Gestalt -- it is a documented limitation. Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
Call location:
17/01/17 17:05:58.751 NI-DAQmx Test Panels[8422]: 0 CarbonCore 0x948eae3d ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 135
17/01/17 17:05:58.751 NI-DAQmx Test Panels[8422]: 1 libdispatch.dylib 0x9acb283f _dispatch_client_callout + 50
17/01/17 17:05:58.751 NI-DAQmx Test Panels[8422]: 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x9acb271b dispatch_once_f + 78
17/01/17 17:05:58.751 NI-DAQmx Test Panels[8422]: 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x9acb3fa5 dispatch_once + 31
17/01/17 17:05:58.751 NI-DAQmx Test Panels[8422]: 4 CarbonCore 0x948668e1 _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 1047
17/01/17 17:05:58.751 NI-DAQmx Test Panels[8422]: 5 CarbonCore 0x9486608a Gestalt + 154
17/01/17 17:05:58.751 NI-DAQmx Test Panels[8422]: 6 LabVIEW 13.0 Runtime 0x05638162 _ZN17_GLOBAL__N_gVkMap12MacMouseDownEPK11EventRecordPP6Wind_t + 2146

Message 36 of 37

Alright, here my recent contribution to this rather old thread:

I recently found a solution to the problem and it’s all good! In fact that initial OS "error message" turned out to be a feature in the sense that it was meant to be an indicator to allow the freshly installed software to actually execute on your machine. Since the DAQmx Base and the DAQmx for MacOSX installers would perform kernel modifications, the installers of this kind ask for a restart of the system in both cases. Now under MacOS 10.13 the execution of a freshly installed unknown driver is blocked until you deliberately allow the execution after its installation. This is done by opening the security control panel where after the restart of the OS you get a prompt where you can manually confirm to deliberately allow the execution of the freshly installed piece of software. Once this is done things would run as advertised.

We now have a successfully installed DAQmx Base 15 to drive a rather large palette of plug-in NI DAQ devices and the DAQmx for MacOSX to drive the myDAQ with LabVIEW 2017 PDS for MacOSX.

Success is always good and you won’t hear anything until the next problem occurs…. a question of time of course. Also lesson learned: Never attempt to be productive on a Friday the 13th.

Happy continued wireworks with LV-DAQ on the Mac



Message 37 of 37