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NI-DAQmx for myDAQ on Mac OS X Discussion

Welcome to NI-DAQmx for myDAQ, which provides native myDAQ support for LabVIEW for Mac OS X. Please feel free to ask questions and post comments or feedback here. Make sure to check out the myDAQ community as well for relevant examples.

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Message 1 of 37

What is NI official (or not) statment about the future of OSX DAQmx vs. DAQmx base ?

How soon will we have full DAQmx support ?

Message 2 of 37

Hi Chris,

As part of releasing this version of NI-DAQmx with OS X support, we hope to gain feedback about which devices are most important to our users.  If you have specific device requests, please share them here.  Please also share any details of your application requirements and programming language/environment so that we can understand the needs of various users.


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 37

Hi Luke,

Having a 1 to 1 equivalent to DAQmx on window would be great, but I mainly need support for X serie PCIe board that is not present in DAQmx base (esp. multiple angular incremental encoders support).

We mainly do fast real-time control and remote experimentation.


Message 4 of 37

Hi Luke,

a daqmx-base with 64 bit support for Mac OS X would be great!


Message 5 of 37

YES! I couldn't agree more. Urgently awating 64 bit support here.

Best, Michael

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 37

This is a great start for MAC OS!!

We are doing a lot of experiments with myDAQ and USB hardware.

Are you planning to include DAQ Assistant in a future version? 

Another interesting feature would be to have a NIDAQmx Task creation and called it from LabVIEW.


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Message 7 of 37

I just tried the myDAQ for MacOS driver on my new MacBook running MacOS 10.10.3 and LabVIEW2015.   The driver reports that it's not officially supported, but does allow installation to continue so I tried it.   Here's what I found :

The myDAQ config utility does show up in System Preferences, finds the myDAQ connected, and reports Self-Test Succeeded.   However, an error popped up when I tried to launch Test Panels, saying I need LabVIEW RunTime engine.   Happily, the link directed me to LabVIEW RunTime 2013 for Mac, which I installed ( also reported a message saying OS10.10.3 not officially supported ) and rebooted.   Now the Test Panels work as well.  So far so good.

However, when I look for the DAQmx Examples in LabVIEW, they aren't there ( I tried both the Example Finder and looking in the LabVIEW/examples folder ). 

So it doesn't look like I can run myDAQ using this driver in LabVIEW2015.   Any plans to update the driver now that 2015 is released ?

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Message 8 of 37

I'm on MacOS 10.11.1, LabVIEW 2015 64-bit and I had similar problems. Got it to work by doing this:

In Applications/ National Instruments, change the name of the folder "LabVIEW 2015 64-bit" to "LabVIEW 2014" then run the .dmg to install NI-DAQmx. After restarting the computer, go back to that folder and change the name back to "LabVIEW 2015 64-bit".

I haven't had the chance to plug anything in to test it out yet, but all the NI-DAQmx VI's show up under Measurement I/O where they were previously absent.

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Message 9 of 37

I'm on Mac OS 10.10.5 and LabView 2015, I can't find the DAQ assistant in LabView, although all the other VIs are shown.

I also can't find myDAQ in Example Finder.

Message 10 of 37