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Accepted Solutions Update & Forum Post Layout Change

NI Employee (retired)


We have made some changes that we would like to highlight.

We recently enabled our Knights of NI and LabVIEW Champions with the ability to accept solutions on behalf of other users. Marking a reply as an Accepted Solution helps makes the solution easier to find for others who might have the same issue. Accepted Solutions also help improve search results.
The Knights and Champions are considered experts on NI products and we trust them to identify the best solution that fits the topic at hand.
However, we do want to ensure the original poster of a topic has the time to review the replies, ask questions, and accept the best solution for their issue. So we have set guidelines for our Knights and Champions to follow so that the solutions can be marked without being intrusive.


You may start to receive an email reminder after 7 days that your topic has replies, and you'll be asked to mark a post as the solution if applicable. This reminder email is only sent if you have not marked a solution after 7 days. If you would like to turn off community emails, you can do that in My Settings, on the Personal Profile tab.

You'll also now see the layout of a forum post has changed slightly. When viewing a post that has been marked as an Accepted Solution, the top of the post will have the name of the user who marked the solution. Also, the kudos button has moved from underneath the author information, and is now found to the left of the reply button.





Please let us know if you have any questions in the comments below!
