Multisim and Ultiboard

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Ultiboard 14 exporting gerber files without these "symbols"

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I'm exporting gerber files from ultiboard to use in flatcam but no matter which option I untick these symbols in red always appear, I noticed these show up too if I try to print it on paper so I guess it has to do with the design itself, and not with the export options, I thought these were drill symbols but I didn't use any drill with my design so I have no clue, what are these symbols?

Captura de pantalla 2024-12-04 213242.pngUltiboard designUltiboard designPrint outputPrint output

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Accepted by Altresan


these are fiducial markers.
You can switch them off, go to OPTIONS ==> Global Preferences
Then choose the tab 'PCB DESIGN'

In the bottom right, you can uncheck "Show fiducial marks"


Good luck!

Message 2 of 3


Thank you!!!

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