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Part editor defaults

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.. remove this item from the database entirely and create anew..

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Message 11 of 16

it happens with -every- part. Not just the one I showed. As I mentioned, even when I create a new part. 

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Message 12 of 16

I made a video to show how to remove that tag, I attach it.
It seems that the last attributes are saved when you edit the part from the database manager.

On the footprint edit mode, remove the attributes from the pcb properties. Check the video and tell me if it works, I zipped it too 🙂

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Message 13 of 16

But this never used to happen. I tried your example and the attributes stay even after I delete them as you did. Sorry, but it isn't that simple. 


Also, does this mean that if I edit a part and add text to the silkscreen of that part, it now becomes permanent and every part I edit after that retains that text attribute unless I delete it?  Sounds like a bug to me!

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Message 14 of 16
Accepted by topic author jg_geadinc

HA!!!! I found it. What you failed to realize is there is a little check box down in the bottom left hand corner of the attributes window that says "Save as default". And yours is checked! If you 'uncheck' that box, it no longer saves whatever attributes you add for that part and you keep, as default, only the 3 you need. I had to check the box, delete all these extra attributes, save it and then uncheck it the next time. Now everything is back to normal. 

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Message 15 of 16

Good job!

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Message 16 of 16