Hi, I'm trying to use Ms+Ub blue to see how it work. I found a big issue that make this suite unusable for me: after a refdes renaming in Ub, when i back annotate to Ms strange things appen: all components remains in it's place, but lot of wires (nets that are changed in Ub) are automatically redesigned and schematic design graphic result practically destroyed. Even all components wich refdes has changed with others that have different footprint , are not automatically back annotated and this problem can only be solved with a complex and long manual process. It seems that back annotation from Ub to Ms is an uncompleted part of Ms suite. I have planned to buy full suite in the past but if back annotation works as is now, i can't do that. I used a 15 years old Orcad version and current Designspark, and both can do back annotation leaving schematic untouched an without extra actions from user...