Multisim and Ultiboard

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Add info about hard gold plate to an Ultiboard design

I have some component footprints for some edge connectors some of which I wish to have the pads hard gold plated by the board house.


Is this as simple as adding a new layer called (e.g.) "Gold Top", selecting the relevant pads in the "Copper Top" layer and then Edit/Copy, switching to the "Gold Top" layer and Edit/Paste?  I've a nasty feeling it doesn't work quite like that.


Oh yes, and how do I add a completely new PCB layer the PCB Properties "General Layers" tab didn't seem to allow that.






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Message 1 of 6

Hey david_c_partridge,


I think the Best Practices in PCB Design would be a good place to start. There's a specific section on Finalizing for Fabrication in Ultiboard that might be worth checking out.


How to Setup a Multi-layer Design in NI Ultiboard should answer the second question. There should be further information in the manual for Ultiboard Fundamentals.


Hope this gives you a good place to start looking! 

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

I read all of that stuff and sadly it was no help at all.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi Dave,


Were you not able to add a new layer in via the PCB Properties?




In general the material for a layer would be something you would let the manufacturer know so I don't see an issue with adding a new layer "Gold Top" as you suggested! 





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Message 4 of 6

I was trying to add these via the General Layers tab, into the same section as Silkscreen and SolderMask, and couldn't see how to achieve that.


Thanks, Dave

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi Dave,


Have you contacted your PCB supplier?

They can best describe how they want the data to look like.

I haven't done any hard gold edge connectors yet, but I'm curious to know how it should be defined.


My supplier has this rule:

 For gold connectors do not place any plated holes (PTH), SMD or other pads closer than 2.00mm (80mil) to the gold fingers

They don't metion the exact way to define it in the gerber data?

I can ask, but most of the staff is probably on holiday



Stressed user


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Message 6 of 6