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Good day

Can you please add these important components in Multisim 14 as I consider thm extremely important. MAX1978 is a smallest safest most accurate single temperature controller for Peltier Thermoelectric cooler while MC10EP05 is an ideal pulse shaper where duty cycle skew is critical.

I would like to know how soon can this be done. I am on a extremely tight timeline.


Please help.


On a good day, can select net in Multisim Transfer and will be identified in Ultiboard.


Sometimes it is difficult to see the net/trace


Ultiboard needs a zoom in function to be able to see the net trace


Ultiboard also needs to highlight in spread sheet the net without having to click on net, and go to results


Goal efficiency, too many button pushes to see in spread sheet.


Also, TRANSFER  > highlight just does not work.  Have a look at Upverter, down load program and convince yourself.  There when net is highlighted since schematic and layout are in single environment the net/trace is highlighted, no extra clicks.  Ultiboard needs to be cleaned up, rid of legacy style methods.


Most designers need to find nets in ratsnest many times during the day.  Ultiboard if it is to be considered a PRO product needs automatic identification with out highlight or cross probing in multiple steps.


Multsim find NET works great, again goes to results and should just identify in workspace, and have a key to go to the next of the search results.


Every other layout program has an alphanumeric Find function.


Ultiboard, get with the program.


Often different types of prints are needed.  It should be easy to provide for saving and re-loading a print config as needed.


Export config schemes have already been implemented, which was a big plus.  Similar for printing would be great.


A bonus would be if it also remembered and set the printer properties for the target printer!



It's a pain switching everything back and forth between metric and imperial, and changing grids for fine detail parts. 


Providing for saving and loading grid and unit configs in UB should be pretty easy to do.

Sometimes a part wants non-solder mask defined pads with a certain amount of clearance, but I have only seen an option in Ultiboard to expand solder mask openings globally, and not by part.


It would be nice to control this on a part by part (or footprint by footprint) basis.


If encrypted models were supported more vendors might be willing to release their models for general use.  I've heard quite often from vendors that they don't give out good models because they don't want to make it easier for someone to reverse engineer their parts.


See LTspice for example.  It would be great if MS could support LT encrypted models. As it is now I usually have to go back to LTspice to simulate LT devices.


TI also releases encrypted PSPICE models for many of their parts.


This would be great for their switching regulator models.  I'd much rather use MS to simulate, as the interface is much more modern (not like an MSDOS app from 1990).  It would also save some duplication of work.

Hello, thanks for response


There is something about MS wire color scheme


Technically there are a lot of colors and tints available but practically to distinguish there are no more than 7 or 8 colors.

My suggestion is to use 2 color scheme – 1 color for wire and 2nd for strip.

In this case wire would be clearly visible with from 7*7 to 8*8 color combinations



with hope it helps

thanks a lot
