09-18-2008 01:10 PM
I am using NI 6025E daq to acquire data from 2 sensors. I want to subtract specific amount from the acquired signal before i process it. right now i am doing it in the while loop subtracting 2.5 from the data i acquired. Can i do this using daqmx read property node instead of doing it in while loop. All i wan to do move all the points down 2.5 in amplitude. thanks
09-18-2008 02:30 PM
09-18-2008 05:55 PM
Thanks for the reply. I am acquiring data continously form sensors one point at time. I have daqmx read.vi function inside the while loop. Thats why i am doing my subtraction in the while loop.
09-18-2008 08:51 PM
Okay, I thought you might have just the subtract inside a loop - indexing out each element in the array.
Why don't you try the scaling function? With a linear scale, the slope would be 1 and the Y-Intercept would be your current subtraction factor.
09-22-2008 11:46 AM
09-23-2008 11:48 AM - edited 09-23-2008 11:49 AM
Hi suni,
The scaling function you are looking for should be in your Functions palette under Measurement I/O » NI-DAQmx » Advanced » Scale setup. You can create your custom scale and use it in your task as shown below.
09-23-2008 09:01 PM
Hi Hong
Thanks for the reply. In my application, I am creating 4 cahnnels using one daqmx create channel.vi. But i want to scale only 2 channels. Also those 2 channels have different scaling values. Can I do all this using one caling function?
09-24-2008 09:48 AM
09-25-2008 10:34 AM
Thanks for the reply. I tried to use the scaling function but application could not acquire data. Could you teel me if i am doing somthing wrong?
09-26-2008 11:58 AM
Hi suni,
Could you tell me the error code you are getting when trying to run your application?
Could we also try simply modifying one of our shipping examples with the scaling functions to see if it works?