11-03-2010 03:52 PM
I need to simultaneously execute an analog output to generate a waveform and then collect two channels of analog input. I've tried a couple of things that I found in the NI help but I couldn't get them to work. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
11-04-2010 09:13 AM
Hi hhuds,
Please post the code you are having problems with so we can edit it and help!
11-04-2010 10:26 AM
Hello hhuds,
I might be a good idea to take a step back and look at some of the examples that ship with DAQmx. If you look in the Example Finder in LabVIEW and navigate to Hardware Input and Output»DAQmx»Synchronization»Multi-Function. There are a couple of examples that you could find useful in this directory, the Multi-Function-Synch AI-AO.vi being the simplest.
Dan King
11-05-2010 10:35 AM
Hi John,
I've now attached the two programs I am trying to integrate. One that has the output and the other has the inputs. Thank you!
11-05-2010 10:36 AM
Hey Dan,
I'll try the multi-function sync AI- AO like you've suggested. Thank you for letting me know about that.
11-05-2010 10:45 AM
Hey hhuds,
The Multi-funct Sync AI-AO example is very useful as Dan suggested, it should be very helpful for what you are after. Thanks for posting your code also!
If you have anymore questions don't hesitate to post!
11-08-2010 12:02 PM
I've got the programs integrated together but I keep getting an error about buffering. I am unsure in this case how to fix this in my program. I've attached the combined program with the buffering problem. I think this program would work aside from that. Thanks!
11-08-2010 12:17 PM
Also I just ran the program and before I got error 200292 (buffer error) I put probes on my task wires and none of my tasks had executed. I have no idea where to go from here, any advice would be fantastic. Thanks!
11-09-2010 03:42 AM
Hi hhuds,
Have you tried wiring a constant to the 'samples per channel' node on your bottom sample clock? Also try wiring a constant to your 'DAQmx Read - Number of samples per channel' node. this seem to sometimes to do the trick as your buffer is simply running out of space.
If these suggestions don't work then try adding a small timing function (Wait ms) in your while loop.
Let me know if this helps!
08-06-2014 02:46 AM
Any idea why I don't have all those examples that Dan_K listed? I have DAQmx installed and I also have folder named DAQmx -> Synchronization but with only 2 examples 😞