Multifunction DAQ

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real time operating system suitable for PCI 6123

Hi all


I am using 4 synchronized PCI 6123 DAQs in MS VC++ 2005 environment.I acquire the data from DAQ (in continuous mode) using C APIs provided by NI, process it and send it over ethernet to another PC for display.THe processing PC available to me is intel Pentium 4,.Currently i am using window xp environment.


Most of the time this combination works fine but some times DAQ returns error indicating that data was not read in time (buffer overwritten).I think main reason may be xp operating system which is not real-time operating system after all.I have no option to chanege DAQ cards (e.g, compact RIO etc).


Kindly help me what can be most suitable operating system for my application(supporting DAQ card drivers, C++ and P4 )?


Best Regards



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Message 1 of 3

Hi Asim,


If Windows isn't able to keep up with your throughput, you could certainly consider using a real-time operating system (RTOS). The only RTOS we support and recommend for use on NI hardware is LabVIEW Real-Time. Be sure to check out this Developer Zone article as well, which reviews the system requirements for a desktop PC to run LabVIEW RT.


Hope this helps!

Andy H.
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3



I'm assuming you're receiving error -200279.


If so, this would indicate that you are not reading data back from the kernel-mode buffer as quickly as it is being acquried.


If the problem is just random spikes in your loop duration, perhaps you can avoid errors by increasing the buffer size (use DAQmxCfgInputBuffer).  If you can't keep up in the long-run, then increasing the buffer will only delay the inevitable. 



Best Regards,

John Passiak
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Message 3 of 3