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physical channel dropdownlist



  As you know, a combobox has a property, strings[], that gives all the strings inside it.


   A physical channel control (drop down), or any other I/O dropdowns in DAQmx, should also have that. I have seen that in another PC, they had a property similar to "dropdownlist[]", but in three PC's I tried (labview 8.6, 9, and 10), none had that property.


   I need that property because I need to get those channels (or whatever else in DAQmx), combine them with something else, and present it as a new dropdown box.


    Does anybody know if there is a patch, update, some sort of option, that enables the existance of that "dropdownlist[]" (or something similar) property in a, e.g., DAQmx physical channel control?



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Message 1 of 5

You use DAQmx property nodes. First use the DAQmxSystem.DevNames and then for each name, you would use the physical channel proprties. There is a physical channel propery fo ai, ao, etc.


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Message 2 of 5

that's not what I want.


First of all, I am introducing just a concept, by making an example of physical channels. Note that the physical channels have a filter option. I need to use that filter, and combine the results with some other combobox. Althu, it is possible to do so in a hard way, by making all sort of custom subvi's, ... it already exists there.


For me, and 2 other PCs, as shown in attachment, I don't have any option to get/set the items of the shown control.


I have seen another place, that they have a property node for that, named something like "dropdownlist[]", similar to "strings[]" in a combobox.



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Message 3 of 5

When you find that 'dropdownlist[]' please post it. What I believe is that the list is populated in the same manner that I showed.

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Message 4 of 5

The DAQmx channel I/O controls are a specific type of LabVIEW control that is different than the combo box control.  There is not a property node for the DAQmx controls that returns the values currently shown in the control, because this information can be retrieved using the Device property node.


You can programmatically set the filtering of the physical channel control to choose the device for which to display channels, to filter by internal vs. external channels, and other filters if you are trying to programmatically control what your user sees in the drop down.


Seth B.
Principal Test Engineer | National Instruments
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Certified TestStand Architect
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Message 5 of 5