Multifunction DAQ

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ni daq 6008 with matlab

i am doing sensor measurement using ni usb 6008 and i made the configuration to be single ended channel the range should be changed to +10 to -10 but that didn't happened , I also connected the same sensor to labview signal xpress on single ended and it works very well , so i think the problem is in matlab with my code.

 % get connected devices
 d = daq.getDevices
 %create session 
  s = daq.createSession('ni')
  %add analog channel  s.addAnalogInputChannel('ID',channel num, 'measurement type')
  s.addAnalogInputChannel('Dev1',3, 'Voltage')
    % set rate of scan  4 scans/second ,  run for 3 seconds
       v= s.Channels(1);
     v.TerminalConfig = ' single ended  ';
     v.Coupling = ' DC';
   %start aquisition and plot
    [data,time] = s.startForeground;
    grid on
   xlabel('Time (sec)')
    ylabel('voltage in v')
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@26111988 wrote:

i am doing sensor measurement using ni usb 6008 and i made the configuration to be single ended channel the range should be changed to +10 to -10 but that didn't happened , I also connected the same sensor to labview signal xpress on single ended and it works very well , so i think the problem is in matlab with my code.

There is an available toolbox called Data Acquisition Toolbox, and USB-6008 is compatible. Now if you're already aware and using this, probably you may want to ask this question at MATLAB forum.


Edited: Well there are couple of topic/discussions/examples you can find, very specifically to USB 6008 & MATLAB.

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