Multifunction DAQ

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how to start designing a data acquisition system using a PDA / pocket PC?

Sorry for my mistakes. I think DAQmx and DAQmx-base is the same software. lol

I have installed DAQmx Base 3.2 that I got daari NI website. But the bad news is I still can not find the folder in the examples folder. May be located in other directories. I forgot


So, please send some examples of programs connected with the PDA and USB-6008. this is my email:


Thank you for your attention.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 14
Where did DAQmx base get installed on your computer?  Do you see the labview\examples\daqmxbase (where labview is the folder you've installed LabVIEW to) folder at all?
Jared S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 14

Anyone can tell me how to read analog input from USB-6008 with DAQmx Base?

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 14



Are you still not able to find the examples folder for DAQmx Base?  Here's what the block diagram of one of the examples looks like:




Block Diagram Steps:
1. Create an NI-DAQmx Base Task.
2. Within the Task, create an Analog Input>>Voltage Virtual Channel.
3. Specify timing information for the Task.  By default, this uses the internal sample clock of the device
4. Start the Task.
5. Read all acquired samples from the Task.
6. Stop and Clear the Task.
7. Display any errors that may have occurred.


Block Diagram Steps:
1. Create an NI-DAQmx Base Task.

2. Within the Task, create an Analog Input>>Voltage Virtual Channel.

3. Specify timing information for the Task.  By default, this uses the internal sample clock of the device

4. Start the Task.

5. Read all acquired samples from the Task.6. Stop and Clear the Task.7. Display any errors that may have occurred.

Jared S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 14