i changed the mode...
.... and i got 40 Mhz!
Mario B.
Mario Behn
345 Lincoln Avenue Apt. 1025
Amherst, MA, USA
Tel.: +1-413-546-6656
"Filipe A." schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Mario;
> The maximum frequency you can generate with your 6602 depends on which
> counter output mode you are using. Two modes are available: "pulse"
> and "toggle." The default mode is "toggle." When using this mode, you
> explicitly specify a duration (in timebase counts) for the delay and
> width of each cycle in the pulse train. In LabVIEW, these values are
> set using "pulse spec 1" and "pulse spec 2" in the Set Counter
> Attribute VI. In the NI-DAQ API for C or Visual Basic, the
y set by
> parameters ND_COUNT_1 and ND_COUNT_2 of the GPCTR_Change_Parameter
> function. After each Pulse Spec, the counter output changes (toggles)
> states. Acceptable values range from 2 to (2^32)-1. This means the
> fastest possible pulse train (2 for each value) will have a frequency
> equal to one fourth of the timebase. Since the board's quickest
> timebase is 80 MHz, you can generate a 20 MHz pulse train in "toggle"
> mode.
> To set the counter to "pulse" mode in LabVIEW, you should call the Set
> Counter Attribute VI and change the "output mode" parameter. This is
> accomplished in the NI-DAQ API by using GPCTR_Change_Parameter to set
> ND_OUTPUT_MODE to ND_PULSE. In Pulse Mode, the counter outputs a pulse
> at each pulse spec (instead of changing states). This effectively
> doubles the output frequency. Using the 80 MHz timebase, you can
> produce a 50% duty cycle output with a frequency of 40 MHz.
> Regards
> Filipe A.
> Applications Engineer
> National Instruments