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disk drive power connector



Can somebody tell me that when (for what kind of applications may be) should we connect the device disk drive power connector in a PCIe 6353. In the device installion guide , its written "optional".


Thanks in advance,



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Message 1 of 3



  1. (Optional) On NI M and X Series PCI Express devices, connect the PC and the device disk drive power connectors. The disk drive power connector is a 4-pin hard drive connector on PCI Express devices that, when connected, increases the current the device can supply on the +5 V terminal. For most applications, it is not necessary to install the disk drive power connector. However, you should install the disk drive power connector in either of the following situations:
    • You need more power than listed in the device specifications
    • You are using an SCC accessory without an external power supply, such as the SC-2345



Current Limits


NI PCIe-6361/6363

Without disk drive power connector installed

P0/PFI/P1/P2 and +5 V terminals combined

  0.59 A max

With disk drive power connector installed

+5 V terminal (connector 0)

  1 A max 6

+5 V terminal (connector 1)

  1 A max 6

P0/PFI/P1/P2 combined

  1 A max

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Message 2 of 3

I am also setting up pcie-6353. Unfortunately, I don't find any disk power connector in my Dell T5810 computer. I guess that I probably need to have an extension connector. Where should I get that? 

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Message 3 of 3