Multifunction DAQ

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configuring AT-MIO

After installing the AT-MIO DAQ in the PC, I would like to configure it
using WDAQCONF.EXE I get a message saying that nidaq32.dll is needed. It
is said that this library should be in the windows or the windows/system
folder. It is actually the case. So what could I do to manage to
configure the card using WDAQCONF.EXE ???

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I don't know the history of the machine here, but it sounds as if you might
have a situation where portions of multiple versions of NI-DAQ (the driver
software) are installed, causing a problem. WDAQCONF is actually a pretty
old configuration manager, not used since (I believe) NI-DAQ 5.0. The
latest NI-DAQ version is 6.5.2, but you might need to go back to 6.1.1,
depending on your exact AT-MIO card.

Your best bet will probably be the following:

1) run any NI-DAQ uninstallers that you can find on the system and remove
any NI-DAQ folders
2) install the latest version of NI-DAQ that is compatible with your card;
I'd advise using these excellent Web pages for step-by-step info on
installing, NI-DAQ versions, etc:

If this fai
ls, you may need to contact NI's technical support.

Best Regards,
John Lum wrote:

> After installing the AT-MIO DAQ in the PC, I would like to configure it
> using WDAQCONF.EXE I get a message saying that nidaq32.dll is needed. It
> is said that this library should be in the windows or the windows/system
> folder. It is actually the case. So what could I do to manage to
> configure the card using WDAQCONF.EXE ???
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
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