12-21-2020 04:59 AM
I am trying to acquire one line for each acquisition from my line scan camera(e2v OCTOPLUS).
And, I am confused with some settings in the NI MAX, as shown in the picture.
What do these settings mean?
03-26-2021 11:00 AM
Hey Buddy,
These are simple attributes:
Trigger selector: The change that will make the process start
Trigger mode: digital/analog condition
Trigger source: the channel where the triggering will happen
Trigger activation: rising or falling (keep is rising) the signal goes 0 to 1 for example when you push the button (Boolean digital button) the rise from 0 to 1 will trigger the process to start.
In case of falling edge the process of going back from 1 to 0 will trigger the start.