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Using Linksys NSLU2 or Nano-ITX as Host device for USB 6008/6009 ??

Hi bef,

@bef wrote:
If you try to run a RAMdisk-linux with NI drivers you really have to be careful. Eg. NI writes temporary data into /usr/local/natinst (which is not really the right place for that- NI: please use /var or /tmp for stuff like that in the next release). If you have a readonly filesystem for these "static" directories you will have trouble loading the modules.

I agree that we should be writing temporary data into /usr/local/natinst.  Can you provide some examples of this so I can bring it to the attention of the relevant groups?

@bef wrote:
While I'm at it, here is a question for NI: why don't you open the source for drivers and RTE? It would make life so much easier when using different distros or other kernels. Maybe the GNU-community could even help with kernel support. For some people it's not easy to be forced to use only the 2.6.13-kernel.

You may be happy to learn that for many of our boards we have Register Level Programming manuals, as well as a free DDK.  Try searching for RLP at, and check out the Measurement Hardware DDK .  In fact if you are interested in open source linux drivers for NI products you may want to check out some existing projects which have used the RLP manuals to develop open source drivers:

Linux GPIB Package

These projects are not sponsored by NI so we can not provide any support, however I'm sure they would love your assistance.

If you choose to use the NI drivers you can still contribute by posting tips, suggestions, or bugs to the forums.  The forums are monitored and if you find a problem in one of our drivers we will do our best to fix it for the next release.

Shawn B.
National Instruments

Use NI products on Linux? Come join the NI Linux Users Community
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Message 11 of 17
Hi Shawn.

@Shawn B. wrote:
Hi bef,

@bef wrote:
If you try to run a RAMdisk-linux with NI drivers you really have to be careful. Eg. NI writes temporary data into /usr/local/natinst (which is not really the right place for that- NI: please use /var or /tmp for stuff like that in the next release). If you have a readonly filesystem for these "static" directories you will have trouble loading the modules.

I agree that we should be writing temporary data into /usr/local/natinst.  Can you provide some examples of this so I can bring it to the attention of the relevant groups?

You mean you should NOT write session data into /usr/local/natinst, right?

OK, here are the files I found that need to be accessed read/write :

/usr/local/natinst/max/Data/<all files in this dir>

If these files can't be written, the kernel module falls back into writing the config data into /tmp. But that takes approx 2-3 minutes after each boot (that can be really confusing if you try to figure out why the driver is not working...)

Comedi: I know that project, too bad nobody really published a LV-Interface (? I remember finding a Comedi-LabVIEW-project somewhere on the web but I can't find it any more )
Still I'm glad NIDAQmx8.0 for linux is out. It seems to be working really well.If you can manage to support USB-devices at some point of time I can finally toast my last Windows box...

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Message 12 of 17
Yes, I meant we should NOT write temporary data to /usr/local/natinst.  I'll pass on the information and see if we can change that in the next release.

Shawn B.
National Instruments
Use NI products on Linux? Come join the NI Linux Users Community
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Message 13 of 17

@Shawn B. wrote:

Just to make sure this is clear... You can only build a Windows
executable with the Windows Application Builder, and a Linux executable
with the Linux Application Builder.

Shawn B.

National Instruments

Sorry to resurrect an old post... but to clarify your statement even further, does one only need Linux Application Builder _or_ LabVIEW Full Development System for Linux AND Linux Application Builder.

In other words, is Application Builder a standalone program that can read vis originally developed on a different platform and then compile to Linux? Or is Application Builder a plug-in to an existing LabVIEW installation.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 17

in order to convert a VI to an application on a different target you need both LV development system and application builder. That's because the VI-lib contains system specific VIs that are linked to your main-VI. The VI lib comes with the development system.

If you don't want to buy the application builder and you have the dev-sys, you can call any VI (as long as it has been complied with LV on the OS where you want to use it)  with an already compiled VI.

To do that, you need a VI that has been built into an application (it can even be an empty VI). Let's say it is called starter.exe.

Now make a new VI and save it as Now from the command line try this: starter.exe

OK, the first catch is that you need the app-builder to create starter.exe. but I think it doesn't break any licenses if you get this exe from someone who has bought the app.builder.

The second catch: if contains sub-vis, you have to make sure can find them. That is, they have to be in the same directory or in an llb that is located in the same directory. (Save as llb, include vi.lib and user.lib VIs)

And then the third catch: VIs contain compiled code and source code in one file. The app builder uses only the compiled code. Your llb will be a lot larger because it carries all the source code . 
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 17

I just saw a mention of WinCE support for mXBase in the PDF spec sheet on the USB-6008 webpage.

Does this mean that the TPC-2006 will now work with the USB 6008/9 modules?

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 17


The TPC-2006 currently does not support our USB DAQ products.  We are currently in the process of investigating this issue.  However, the CompactFlash DAQ Device (CF-6004) does work on the TPC-2006.



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Message 17 of 17