Multifunction DAQ

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Usb 6008 + LM35 temperature sensor problem

Thank you veeeery much santiore! It worked perfectly!

0 Kudos
Message 31 of 44

Dear Mr Cgama,


I tried to using 220ohm to remove the noise. MY LM35 & DAQ6008 can not give a good result. When I measure 24 degre celcius. I the result was 8 celsius. I can u help?

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 44

Dear Mr Cgama,


I tried to using 220ohm to remove the noise. MY LM35 & DAQ6008 can not give a good result. When I measure 24 degre celcius. I the result was 8 celsius. I can u help?

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 44

Hi saifizi


I have used 220ohm like santiore had suggested and it worked great. The V+ connected to 5V on my circuit and the resistor between Vout and Gnd in the temperature sensor. The only thing I may have done differently is not using the differential inputs of the DAQ card. But I have tried both ways and both worked fine. Im afraid I can't help you further as I'm not that knownledgeable. Maybe someone else may give you more insight.

(If you're a rookie like me, make sure all your connection are right! Smiley Tongue )

Good luck!

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Message 34 of 44

Dear Gama,


The V+ that u connect to 5 volt is V+ at the LM35 sensor right? I think already do the connection like the santiore do it. it is possible the lm35 have different type?

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Message 35 of 44

Hi Cgama,


Can u show the pic of connection. Maybe I was wrongly understand your connection.

0 Kudos
Message 36 of 44

hello all, currently I'm using LM35DZ and USB6210. I got LM35 working just fine with accurate degree Celcius and I measured it by using multimeter. A problem occur when i using USB6210. It can acquire signal but it is not stable. I use RSE. And my waveform is in sinusoidal. As far as I know it should be linear. Anyone know how to solve it ? I already try using 220 ohm resistor but not working. Help me please.

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Message 37 of 44

could I use LM35 to measure surface temperature of solar cell ? won't it be affected by air temperature ?


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Message 38 of 44

This document will be able to read analog signals from a DAQ USB6008, this program is useful to read the value recorded by a temperature sensor


0 Kudos
Message 39 of 44


Please help me with the relative humidity block diagram using labview.I've tried many block diagrams but couldn't get the clear output.

The sensor iam using for relative humidity monitoring is sy-hs 220.I've attached the datasheet of the same.

Is this sensor sufficient and applicable when compared to any other humidity sensors?kindly reply at the earliest.

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Message 40 of 44