Hi Michael,
I attached a zipped version of my executable. I've tested it on Windows XP. I'm using Dev1 for my usb6009.
When you run the program, a text window will pop open and also a graphics window. You can use the left and right arrows in the graphics window to cycle through the channels (0-3). The channel number isn't indicated anywhere, but the initial channel is 0. Press 'Q' to quit the program.
The graphs show time series data taken in three-second snapshots. The black trace is the raw data, and the red trace is filtered. (If the signal is very clean, you might not see the black trace under the red one.) This version of the program samples all eight channels as I described previously. If I wire the same signal to channels 0 & 4, for example, the graphs for channel 0 look clean, but if I disconnect channel 4, then the black trace becomes spikey.