Multifunction DAQ

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USB 6009: DAQmxSetAIConvRate causes error -200452

I don't see any spiking with one channel, and slowing down the sampling rate doesn't have any effect on spiking.  If you like, I can send you an executable program to try with another unit.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 26
Hi Mike,

Go ahead and build the executable if you could zip that and attach it I would be glad to run it with a 6009 here.  Make sure when you post the exe to include what the device name in MAX of your 6009 is, because I won't be able to change the exe so I will have to change my settings in MAX.  I will go ahead and grab the piece of hardware.

Have a great day,

Michael D
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 12 of 26
Michael, is there a way for me to send the attachment to just you?  I'd have to spend some time sanitizing the program before posting it for everyone to see.
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 26
Hi Mike,

If you have a support contract with National Instruments, then you can call in or email in and just guide the person that gets your issue to this thread.  Then they will transfer the request to me, and we can converse by email.  If you do not have a support contract then I am going to be limited to interacting with you through the forumn method, in which case anything you post will be public.  Let me know how you want to proceed.  I can not get this to happen with a 6009, which implies yours is probably damaged in some way.  If all you are posting is an exe, then the block diagram is not accessible, so what would you have to change to put it on the forumn?  Let me know how you would like to proceed.

Michael D
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 26
Hi Michael,

I attached a zipped version of my executable.  I've tested it on Windows XP.  I'm using Dev1 for my usb6009.

When you run the program, a text window will pop open and also a graphics window.  You can use the left and right arrows in the graphics window to cycle through the channels (0-3).  The channel number isn't indicated anywhere, but the initial channel is 0.  Press 'Q' to quit the program.

The graphs show time series data taken in three-second snapshots.  The black trace is the raw data, and the red trace is filtered.  (If the signal is very clean, you might not see the black trace under the red one.)  This version of the program samples all eight channels as I described previously.  If I wire the same signal to channels 0 & 4, for example, the graphs for channel 0 look clean, but if I disconnect channel 4, then the black trace becomes spikey.


0 Kudos
Message 15 of 26
Hi Mike,

When I run the exe I get a message.  Warning wrong number of points read.  I assume I am not reading the proper amount of points to be updating the graph.  I just ran it with my USB 6009 plugged in as a Dev1   .   Is that a warning you have built into your code?


Michael D
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 26