Multifunction DAQ

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Triggered delayed output pulse

It's been awhile since I did daq code, so I'm looking for some guidance.


I'm using an NI PCIe-6321 daq card and I want to output a delayed pulse triggered by a signal from my device under test (DUT).  The timing is in the us range, so I need hardware timing to do this.  Here is what I've come up with so far.  Let me know if you think it will work or if you see a better way to do it.  I'm setting up a single pulsed counter output that won't be used except to time the delay and will trigger the single output pulse.  I'm using LabVIEW 2021.




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Try setting Counter Output:Pulse:Frequency:Initial Delay Property instead.


Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 2 of 3

I will try that.  Thanks. 


I'll post my solution once I get it working


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