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Transfer from LV 7.1 to 2010, DAQmx Problems

Hello everybody!


I have a problem porting a NIPCI-6221 card and the corresponding programs from an old (read ancient) pc using LV 7.1 and DAQmx 7.4 to the new lab-PC with LV 2010 and DAQmx 9.3.


I exported the MAX settings from the old pc and imported them at the new and copied all the vi-s, that didn't already exist at the new pc.


When I try to run my measurement program I get a whole batch of DAQmx routine related errors stating that the routine failed to compile and that external drivers or compounds are missing.


MAX detects the PCI card just fine and shows no problems.


Both PCs run on WinXP.


Thanks for the help in advance!

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Hi ROM-Zen,


When you say "I copied all the vi-s", are you talking about your VIs or National Instruments' VIs ?

Do you have LabView 2010 or 2010 SP1 ?

To be able to help you, I would need the list of errors. Could you add a screenshot of your errors or maybe even the vi you are trying to compile ?



Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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