We are looking for the UDV (Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry and not a User Defined Variable!) solution based mainly on NI hardware and a PC with running LabView. Except for the UDV transducers, which can be purchased elsewhere, I wonder if somebody can recommend a DAQ card or special "re-programmable" processing unit for acoustic signals which have been successfully employed for UDV measurements? By re-programmability I mean to have a possibility to tune some parameters such as timing and shape of the emitting pulses, emitting frequency, pulse shape and repetition cycles, few channels etc. Another desirable (though optional) feature would be to have a frequency sweep function allowing a spectroscopic probing of the media for its resonant acoustic response. Beside high cost, the re-programmability is actually another reason why we are considering NI based solution as an alternative to ready-to-use UDV unit.
Maybe somebody has used FPGA for UDV measurements? Any recommendations for the hardware used?
Our application:
Skipping boring details about our scientific research goals and motivation, the primary task is to measure velocity (ranging 0.05..0.5 m/s) and distance (ranging 0.04..2 m) to the gas bubbles floating in a fluid having high density (with sound velocity of about 1800 m/s). Note, the real-time signal processing is not required! The signal emission, reception and recording with following post-processing on PC is typical approach for us.
All suggestions are appreciated!
regards, Alex