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SCC2345 DAQ-6024E output OK input Not OK

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Set up a small DAQ test stand using scc2345 and DAQCard 6062E and running with LabView v 8.2.  It works as expected but when I turn the file into an executable and try to run on a desktop with a DAQ 6024E PCI card in it the analog out still works but I am not getting any input. The modules in the 2345 are AO10 and A10 (2). 

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Message 1 of 9

Hi tictic,


Just a few questions:


Am I correct in understanding that you are putting this executable onto a different computer?


If that is the case, have you checked that the resource names you are specifying are the same on both computers?  Also, are the DAQmx driver versions the same on both computers?  You can find out the driver version by going to Software in Measurement and Automation Explorer and looking for DAQmx Device Drivers ____.  The ____ is where the version number will be.

National Instruments
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Message 2 of 9

Being loaded onto a different computer


V. 8.3.0f0 on creation computer and v 8.6.0f5 on the computer it is being loaded onto. 


The only difference in hardware is the DAQ6024E on the computer it is being loaded onto and DAQ 6062 on the computer it was created on.  Of course, the cable from the SCC enclosure to the DAQ card is different from each setup also.  Is that what you mean by resource names?

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Message 3 of 9

Hi tictic-


     What Timm was referring to is the way you are calling your card.  The resource descriptor is what it is called in MAX (Dev1, Dev2, etc).  But if your AO works fine, you are probably using the correct resource descriptor.  Not a bad thing to check, however.


     Have you tried running this same executable on the development computer?  Try to run the executable on the same computer with the 6024E - does it work the same?  If so, then your executable is likely fine; it is probably something with how the hardware is setup in the second computer.  What if you swapped the 6062 into the original computer with the original code - do you get the same behavior?


     I hope this helps.  Have a great day!

Gary P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 4 of 9

Cannot swap the cards - 6024E is a desktop system , the 6062E is a laptop.  Since the drivers are at different levels and it appears the desktop we are trying to set-up is a newer version (we also have the media on hand) should I update the driver on the creation computer and re-create the executable?

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Message 5 of 9



     It is never a bad idea to upgrade your driver.  NI-DAQmx 9.2.2 is the latest version of DAQmx.


     I am curious if you run the actual executable on the development/creation machine, are you getting the same behavior?  Or is the program working as intended?  If the VI and the .exe version of the VI work just fine on the same machine, then the issue is likely tied to your hardware/software on the second machine.  This is an intermediate step we can take to narrow down the cause of the discrepancy.


     Let us know what happens after upgrading your driver and trying the .exe on the development machine.

Gary P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

Could not download new driver.  Company has a size limit on downloads from websites. Tried to go to ni's ftp site but need the user name and password to do that.  I have a DVD with the latest drivers (presumably) that I picked up at a show recently but I do not have a DVD drive.


The actual executable on the creation machine runs good. (even when not attached to the SCC 2345 ) which tells me the issue I am having on the destination machine is related to the 6024E card.  I think.


Also, I have been able to get the A0 inputs to work as I saved the hardware configuration from the creation machine to a jump drive and imported it to the destination machine.  Basically this allowed me to import the scales which I did not have on the destination machine. I have two SCC A10 modules in the SCC2345 and the A0 channel works on the modules but not the A1 channels.

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Message 7 of 9

Hi tictic-


     I am assuming you are using the same 2345 and modules between both cards, correct?  That means that the 6024E card is the likely culprit.


     If you have MAX on the machine with the 6024 (you should), what happens if you open up a test panel on the non-working channels - can you get data?  Do the test panels in MAX throw an error?  We need to verify that these channels work properly.  If they don't, then the card could be damaged.


     Verify the suspect channels in the Test Panels and this should be telling.  Have a great day!

Gary P.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9
Accepted by topic author tictic

OK  I solved th eproblem by avoiding the problem and just transferring the 6062E DAQ card to another laptop and running the executable on the laptop.  Works fine.  I am guessing the 6024E card I was trying to use was shot.  Thanks for your help!

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Message 9 of 9