Multifunction DAQ

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Regarding USB 6343

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Hello Everyone,


We are looking to buy a DAQ unit and have narrowed it down to selecting USB 6343 BNC or the screw connector. As per the images on the website BNC verson of the unit comes with a BNC control block and the screw version of the unit doesn't. I just wanted to confirm whether my understanding is correct.
Also, does anyone know what all inbox accessories are included along with the main DAQ unit. I especially wanted to know will the BNC cables would be included or not.If then which type of cables would be needed.

Link for Screw Version 

Link for BNC Version


Thanks & Regards,

Chinmay Swami

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Accepted by topic author chinmayS

Hi ChinmayS,

The image can be a little deceiving. The BNC control block is actually apart of the USB 6343 so there is just the one device and therefore doesn't require a cable to connect the two. You will still need to purchase a power cord.

Hope this helps!

Message 2 of 2