Multifunction DAQ

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PCI-6111 is not working

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Dear NI Discussion Forums,

        I borrowed a PCI-6111 from my colleague and I am testing it. In the Analog input in MAX, sometime it showed 0.00000 V value the whole time, but some other time it just showed the value at the min input range (such as -10 V when I set the input range of +/- 10V). I have a PCI-6035E plugged in the same computer and the 6035E worked just fine. I tried different versions of NI DAQ (6.9.1 and 7.3) and NI DAQmx (8.5) but got no luck. I also tried to link the Analog out to the Analog in of the card to see if the sine signal from the output show up in the input but got no luck as well. I am not sure if this card is still working and there is someting I am missing. I knew it worked before when I visited my colleague in the UK. I wonder if any of you ran into the similar problem before? Thank you very much.




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Message 1 of 5

Howdy Chinon!


How have you attached your input signal for the measurement (RSE/NRSE/Differential) and have you

configured the Test Panel in MAX to have those same settings?  Also, what is the source of your test signal?


If you route the output from the potentially broken PCI-6111 to the input of the PCI-6035E are you able to see the signal?



Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 5

Hello Barron,

    Thank you very much for your response.

    I fed the 100Hz 2 Vpp sinuisoidal signal from a signal generator to either the analog input port of PCI-6111. In MAX, I configured the card to be on psudodifferential since it is the only choice I have for this card.

    About routing the analog output from PCI-6111 to the analog input of PCI-6035E, I just tried it today following your advice. An interesting point is that there was some jump in the noise level (from 0.003 V to 0.03 V, i.e. a factor of 10) shown on 6035E when I started the signal output from 6111 compared with when there is no output from 6111. However, the change is just the noise level and no recognizable signal can be seen.

    I also tried the other way around, outputing signal from 6035E into 6111 and I saw no changes; the reading on 6111 was still -10.000 V constantly.


    Another point I would like to mention was that, in MAX, 6111 is shown as "Dev 2" in NI-DAQmx devices but as "Device 1" in Traditional NI-DAQ devices and vice versa for 6035E. I wonder if this is normal to you or something is also wrong here? Thank you very much for your kind attention and I am looking forward to hearing more from you.




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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author Chitnon

Hi Chitnon,


Unfortunately, it sounds like you may have a broken DAQ card.  Feel free to contact support to determine if the card needs to be returned for repair.



Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi Baron,

   Thank you very much. I am already in touch with them.




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Message 5 of 5