Multifunction DAQ

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PCI 4462 installation trouble

I am having trouble with my computer recognizing my PCI card (PCI 4462).  The card does not appear in the NI Measurment & Automation Explorer, even after refreshing the hardware list.  However, in the Windows Device Manager, the card is recognized and properly identified.  Any suggestions as to what the problem might be?

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Message 1 of 4

Depending on the version of your driver you may need to go to the services on your system and restart the NI Device Loader service.  Try that.



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Message 2 of 4

Gavin, thanks for the suggestion.  However, just tried that and still no luck.

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Message 3 of 4



Do you have the DAQmx driver installed? If so what version, you can find this by opening Measurement and Automation Explorer(MAX) and dropping down the Software tab. It should be listed as NI-DAQmx Device Driver x.x. Has this device worked on other computers before or is it a new device?


Generally, if the device is seen in the Device Manager but not MAX then you need to install the DAQmx driver.


-Jake B.

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