From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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08-06-2010 05:06 AM
I am using NI PCI-6010 daq card with CB-37F-LP Unshielded, I/O Connector Block with 37-pin D-Sub. I have installed PCI card and it is working properly.
I am using labview program to acquire signal. The labview program is simple ( Daq card assistant--save to mesurement file).
The measurement mode is NRSE(non referenced single ended) and pin number 1(analog input) and 8 (AI sense) are shorted to each other than i am getting data which is attached. In this data noise is not symmetric in both side. What is this I am not able to identify. I also did this in differential mode and RSE. but output is same.
Please let me know solution to get rid of this noise.
Thanks and Regards
08-10-2010 05:38 AM
I am hoping. Somebody will help me to remove this problem.
Thanks and Regards
08-10-2010 09:23 AM
What settings have you chosen for input range and sample rate? How long of a wire are you using to short the channels together?
08-12-2010 09:22 AM
Hi Seth B,
I am very thankful to you to give prompt reply.
I have attached a image of input range and sample rate settings.The length of wire is ~4-5cm. I also did this in measurement and automation explorer it is giving same output which I am getting with labview program. The snap shot of output of measurement and automation explorer is also attached.
08-12-2010 11:02 AM
It's interesting that the results in the "Input range and sample rate settings" image are about 1/5 of what they are in the other two screenshots and more in line with what I'd expect for this card. Do you see the same results if measuring in differential or RSE mode? Also, has your device been self calibrated recently? This can be done from Measurement & Automation Explorer, by right clicking the device and selecting "Self Calibrate". Finally, how old is this card?