Multifunction DAQ

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NI 6250 board

My input source is the beeper, so I need to find the one which is the best suit for the above config if I must need to decide to choose the self-amp.


Do you think it is time consuming to create a self-amp by yourself rather than going to the shop to buy one? .

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Message 11 of 25
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Message 12 of 25
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Message 13 of 25
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Message 14 of 25

My input source is the beeper, so I need to find the one which is the best suit to use in the above config from the link you mentioned..


Do you think it is time consuming to create a self-amp by yourself rather than going to the shop to buy ampliifer? .

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Message 15 of 25
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Message 16 of 25
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Message 17 of 25
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Message 18 of 25

Hi Nyborn,

I didn't get your latest picture but the original pictures sure look like models that require an amp.

The techpub link was just an example of what you might want to use.  If the schematics are confusing to you then I would suggest you buy an assembled amp.  Take your mics to a local electronic shop and ask for something appropriate, also buy some plugs and jacks so you can connect them easily. 

Most amps will have a gain control to let you set the output level so it can drive the DAQ card.  Make sure you get an amp with microphone level inputs, some are designed only for line level devices like CD playes, tape decks, etc.

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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Message 19 of 25
Hi NIquist:
The sound input fft file has the harmonic measument. Why do I need the harmonic measuremnt when I try to measure the beeper sound.
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Message 20 of 25