07-28-2014 07:09 AM
Thanks for this information. Lately I have been using NI Express module and able to assign different thermocouple types for each channel, but when I try to export to NI code from this it fails.
07-28-2014 09:58 AM
07-29-2014 07:43 AM
In the following attached VI (DAQ Express 9213 combination thermocouple and voltage.vi) there is a DAQ assistant configured with voltage on Ch0, thermocouple temperature type K on Ch1, and thermocouple temperature type J on Ch2 and Ch3.
When I converted the VI, it only created one DAQmx task associated with the first channel and the program was 'broken.' Then when I saved it, it created another version which obliterated most of the code not associated with the DAQ Assistant, but did create multiple DAQmx tasks with proper inputs to each (DAQ Express converted 9213 combination thermocouple and voltage.vi).
07-29-2014 08:42 AM
Some of your wires may be broken because the output will be a 2D-array of either waveform data or DBLs, with rows representing the channels. All of your channel configuration properties like sampling rate, and number of samples to read will then be included in the "DAQmx Task" subVI. That subVI was the second VI you saved and that includes all of the channel information. At that point you will have to clean up your block diagram, remove the extra while loop created by the DAQ assistant.
Hope this helps!