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Linux C++ API Functions for NI-daqmx18.1

 Hello guys,

  I have a PCIe-6323 card ,my system is centos7,kernel:3.18,I want to create a C++ application to Read and write this card.

But where are the linux C++ api functions? I've been looking for them all over the NI official website,BUT I only found C++ api for windows,as the link:,

What I want is only the linux C++ api functions for NI-daqmx18.1.

Thanks .



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Message 1 of 3

The NI-DAQmx C API has the same functions on Linux as it does on Windows. There isn't a "C++ API", but C++ has excellent interoperability with C APIs.


With NI Linux Device Drivers (October 2018) on CentOS7, the header for the NI-DAQmx API is located at /usr/include/NIDAQmx.h, and the library is located at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

Brandon Streiff ·
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Message 2 of 3

Thank you very much ,sir.

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