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Lab-PC+ in Win95

I would like to use Lab-PC+ card together with Matlab Acquisition toolbox,
The problem is Win95 does not recognized the card.
Are there any possibilities to update the card by using third party
software for Win95 ?

Thank You
J. Latuny
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2
Dear Jonny,
the Lab-PC+ is NOT a plug-and-play card... Did you remember to use the
Control Panels >> Add New Hardware... to add this device and have Win95
allocate a base address, interrupts, and DMA?


| Ken Sadahiro (
| Sr. Software Engineer, User Advocate
| Systems & Architectures: Applications Group
| National Instruments Corporation
| 11500-A North MoPac Expressway
| Austin, Texas 78759-3504 USA
| Tel: +1.512.683.8806
| Fax: +1.512.683.8641
| URL:

Jonny Latuny wrote in message
> I would like to use Lab-PC+ card together with Matlab Acquisition toolbox,
> The problem i
s Win95 does not recognized the card.
> Are there any possibilities to update the card by using third party
> software for Win95 ?
> Thank You
> J. Latuny
Message 2 of 2