Multifunction DAQ

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I can't find the CVI\EXTLIB directory in my system

I am trying to get started with NI-DAQ for Visual C++
I followed the instructions Compiling and Running Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy) Examples in Microsoft Visual C++ but there are some files missing in my system.
There is no CVI diretory so I can't follow step 7a. The files easyio.lib, cvisupp.lib, cvirt.lib, and cviwmain.lib are missing, too.
Can I download them or do I have to reinstall my software?

Anyway I tried to start an exapmle-programme an I got the error massage: "can't find nidex32.dll. Reinstallation of apllication could solve the problem"
I can't find a file NIDEX32.dll either.

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Message 1 of 4


I think it´s an installation Problem you have encountered at the installation of NI-DAQmx. At the Installation under Customized you can checkmark which files should be installed. Also NI-DAQ (the traditional DAQ-Driver). If you have installed the NI-DAQmx you can easily go to Start -- Programms -- National Instruments -- NI-DAQ

There´re some good informations, on how to work with c-based languages.

The tradional DAQ is a part of the NI-DAQmx. And you have to secure, that you have installed this Part.

Hope this helps.


NI Switzerland

Message 2 of 4
Thank you Alex,

I have downloaded and installed the new daqmx software. Now I am a step further.

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Message 3 of 4

Hate to jump on an old train, but I have the same issue - no cvirt.lib that I can include into my Visual C project. I do not have LabWindows/CVI. There is a NI PCI-6601 card installed in my work PC so I could install the DAQ packages to get the missing CVI\extlib folder as described in various threads, but - I can do what I like, the cvirt.lib is still missing.

It _could_ be an installation issue, however it is impossible to un-install and re-install everything on this machine, as it already took literally weeks of work to get everything working as it is (there are some rare pieces of software installed on this machine).


There are various other PCs here with NI cards, but no compiler installation -> C support wont install.


I tried CDs with the DAQ 6.9.3 package, DAQmx 7.4, DAQmx 7.4.1, DAQmx 8.0 and DAQmx 8.6 from the various cards we have available here. Also the downloadable versions.

After the DAQmx 8.0 installment, at least the CVI\extlib folder was there, but it only contains dataacq.lib and easyio.lib.


So.. Where can I get the cvirt.lib and the other missing lib file ?


Thanks in advance!


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Message 4 of 4