Multifunction DAQ

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How do I connect an analog out on my SCB-68 connector block to an oscilloscope

I am trying to get the function generator in LabVIEW to output a signal to a Tektronix TDS 224 Oscilloscope. To do this, I have a SCB-68 68 pin shielded connector block. I'm not sure what channel on the block connector to hook the oscilloscope up to or how to configure LabVIEW to output to that channel.
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First of all, we need to generate a valid waveform on one of the Analog Ouput channels of the terminal block.

You can open one of the LabVIEW shipping examples to accomplish that task. Choose the one named Continuous that you can find at Search Examples->I/O Inetrfaces->Data Acquisition->Analog Output. That VI will generate a continuous waveform to the chosen analog out channel.

Then, refer to your DAQ device Users Manual for its pinout. The DAQ device pinout is the same pinout of the SCB-68 terminal block. Then, wire both the Analog output channel number you are using on the Labview VI and the AOGND pin to the Scope.

Hope this helps.
Filipe A.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
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