Thanks for replying.
I want something that behaves like a start trigger, that's where the external trigger from other devices comes in. Once that signal is recieved, the analog output should begin on the next line clock pulse, and should stay synchronized to the line clock. One axis of scanning is running continuously, in addition to being at a fixed frequency. I can't just use a start trigger, because there are essentially two trigger inputs (the "external" trigger and the line clock), which may not overlap in time. It's almost as if the external trigger will "arm" things and the next line clock will function as the start trigger.
The round-up of signals includes the line clock, which is from a third party device. A TTL trigger (most likely a rising edge) needs to be accepted to kick things off (from outside of the system this will appear to behave like a start trigger, and from inside it will be an "arm"). Then there's the outbound analog signal to the scanner's servo. Any other signals generated/recieved are entirely optional, and will be whatever it takes to get the NI hardware behaving as desired.
The scanning will stop and start at all sorts of intervals, under control of higher level software and direct user control. The duration of the scanning will vary considerably, and for longer timescales clock drift can become an issue. When not scanning, the fixed frequency axis of the scanner will keep running, but the other axis will be stopped.
If the "external trigger" signal was to behave like a pause trigger or had a width large enough to do a digital pattern trigger, this would make this easy. As it stands, the fact that it's a pulse is what's making this complicated for me.
Does that clear it up a bit? Do you have any ideas?
I am using NIDAQmx and NI-Scope to program this, by the way.