Multifunction DAQ

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Driver for NI USB-6259 for MAC OS

I want to use the DAQ: NI USB-6259 for my MAC (labview on MAC). How do I write a driver for it? Are there any other DAQs with 32 channels at >30kHz sampling per channel, that I can use for a MAC.
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To first answer your question, the USB-M Series devices are not supported on a Mac.  We do have a Measurement Hardware DDK for use with Mac OSX, but it will not work with USB devices yet.

There are devices available to take 32 channels of analog input at >30kHZ sampling for a MAC.  But they will all be of the PCI form factor, and will use the DAQmx Base driver.  There is an exact equivelent of the USB device you mentioned in a PCI form factor, the PCI-6259.

You can find more information about National Instruments Harware products that are supported under the Mac at

Josh W. | National Instruments | Applictions Engineer

Josh W.
Certified TestStand Architect
Formerly blue
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