04-16-2007 09:00 AM
04-16-2007 10:06 AM
04-16-2007 10:16 AM
04-16-2007 10:25 AM
04-16-2007 10:47 AM
I have 6 Channels that I need to sample at 10kHz and 8 Channels that only need samping at 1Hz.
If I sample all 14 channels at high speed I think i am going to running out of speed on the system. So would like to keep the high speed channels to a minimum.
I have read other posts about using decimation to throw away unwanted samples, but I assume this still gives the overhead in the hardware?
04-16-2007 10:58 AM
04-16-2007 12:05 PM
OK, I see your point. think I had miscalculated that one somewhere.
What is the best way for me to discard the extra data for the 1Hz channels?
I am using the DAQ assistant. So should I just put the 1Hz analysis code inside a 1Hz timed loop?
Or is there a better way to sort the Dynamic data output?
Thanks again.
04-16-2007 01:14 PM