08-18-2017 07:23 PM
Hello, im trying to acquire data from a sinosoidal voltage wave with a board pci-6221 and some points are being missing in the acquisiton, This is happening with matlab and LABVIEW. The sample time is 1 ms.
I have no experience with this kind of system.
The images attached shows the data.
Is it normal?
Best Regards,
Mateus Andrade.
08-18-2017 08:41 PM
We need to see code in order to provide any real help. But my initial thought is that you need to use Continuous sampling mode. My guess is that you are using Finite sampling.
08-19-2017 11:44 AM
The system is in my college, and I will be there just monday.
Buy imagine the simplest code possible. Just onde analog input and a chart to se the data acquired.