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Can I use two USB-6008s at once in the same VI for analog measurements

Greetings LV community


I have been asked to change a very simple VI that I have already built to acquire 7 channels of data, however I only have a USB-6008.  I am wondering if it is possible to buy another one and plug two devices into the computer to both acquire data simultaneously.  My sampling rate is very low (on the order of minutes).


Thanks in advance


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Message 1 of 2
Yes, you can put more then one device on the computer.  They will have to have unique identifiers in MAX (i.e. /dev1, /dev2, etc.).  You will also not be able to acquire data simultaneously but will need to do it seqeuntially.  With you sample rate in the minutes range, I would think that shouldn;t be a problem.
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