01-03-2006 09:01 AM
01-05-2006 12:08 AM
01-05-2006 10:18 AM
I tried building dist kits for a couple of the shipping examples. The first one was just a basic user interface demonstration and it built successfully. The second was an app to read the digital values from a DAQmx device and this one failed with the same error as I was getting before. In one of my applications I am using DAQmx with a USB-6501. This app I have build entirely in CVI8. It fails for the same error. Another one of my applications uses a DAQ PCI card (traditional API) and was originally built in CVI 6. It also fails for the same error. Other applications that I created with CVI 7 build dist kits just fine, but none of them use DAQ hardware. It seems the common theme is that any app that requires DAQ hardware will not build a dist kit. I will try reinstalling the DAQ drivers and see what happens.
01-05-2006 11:28 AM
01-05-2006 01:59 PM
01-05-2006 02:35 PM