Hello Vazgen_H,
maybe in other words: When I measure two values (current or voltage) with the same device do errors compensate or not? For example the first value has an offset error, as well as the second one. Are both offsets equal and compensate? That would mean that the difference between both values has no offset error. Or both offsets are different (in the worst case off1 = -off2) then the error will not compensate and the difference of both values has an offset error of 2*off1. The same applies for the linearity error.
In a statistical view: if the offset errors do not correlate (and follow a random distribution) the standard deviation of both errors can be added geometrically and result in: sqrt(2) * stddev(off1).
If the offsets are equal (correlation =1) the error of the result is 0 (full correlation).
Usually ADCs are used for such measurements and they compensate their offsets internally, but still some error remains, that is noise. For a single measurement this noise looks like a small offset error. When I calculate the difference between two measurements both offsets (due to noise) are not correlated and can not compensate.