Motion Control and Motor Drives

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Motion VI execute/enable issue

Hello all,


I have created a simple incremental force controller (see attached vi) for a Newport stage using the following components:

  • cRIO 9074
  • NI 9516
  • NI 9201
  • LabVIEW 2013

The stage is working and I have created other simple 'Straight-line' move examples with no problem.


Here is what occurs when I 'Run' my VI:

  1. Hit 'Run' 
  2. Hit 'Execute' to begin force control
  3. Only 1 incremental motion occurs (there should be continuous movement here)
  4. Hit 'Stop'
  5. Hit 'Run' - Incremental motion begins immediately and controller acts as it should - converging to desired load
  6. Hit 'Execute' - motion stops

My desire, of course, is for the incremental motion to only begin once the VI is running and I hit 'Execute'.


In the Axis Configuration under Initial Axis State I have both 'Axis Enabled' and 'Enable Drive on Transition to Active Mode' checked. I've tried unchecking both and then just the 'Enable Drive on Transition...' but the same thing happens when I run my VI.


Any ideas on why this is occuring and how to fix it?


Thanks for your help,



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Hi kyleshook,


Nothing sticks out to me immediately about what might be going on with your code. You might try using Highlight Execution to slow down the program and see how things are flowing.


Have you already tried any troubleshooting steps?



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